one of the first things the ActionServlet does after
identifying/creating a FormBean instance is calling FormBean.reset()
on it. you'll need to add a similar switch() or conditional in your
reset() method so all your fields aren't initialized.

not sure about 2. i think they were just checking whether it was in
the request or session scopes, but it was always defined in at least
one of those two???? not exactly sure about your context.


Jeff Trent writes:
 > I followed the wizard example source code (see below) but I have a
 > problem in that my Form data gets recycled between pages of the
 > wizard.  In another words, if I click next on page 1, then click
 > prev on page 2, my form data disappears from page 1.  Why is this
 > happening?
 > Also, it appears that the Form object always exists in the Action class.  The 
 >example that comes with Struts shows conditional logic that populates either the 
 >request or session attribute in the case where the form is null.  
 > - Jeff

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