Hi All,

               I am using struts framework(release 0.5) for developing my web application(with Jrun-3.0 and Netscape Enterprise Server-3.6). I am facing 2 problems and hape that some one out there would definetly have answers to them.here are they.....

1)Just like we use actionbase and actionform beans in struts , i am also using one 'Open Actionbase Bean' and one 'Save Actionbase Bean' to open and save my forms. While saving the form using 'Save Actionbase Bean' i call 'Open Actionbase Bean' from within the 'Save Actionbase Bean' to show the inserted/updated  form back to the user. But now after saving the form and displaying it back, if i do a reload of the page, the insert and update operation get performed again(which should not happen). So i have inserted a new record and do the reload then a duplicate record gets inserted into my table.How can i avoid this to happen?

2)I am using a customized jdbc api, which allows only one resultset and one statement object per connection object.I have a page(with two frames) where i accept some search criteria from the user(on the top frame) , do the search in the database and display the list of records found in bottom frame.But the problerm occurs when the user hits the search button multiple times , as in that case i receive an exception because my api allows only one resultset object open .I am making the database call in an Actionbase Bean. But i am not able to figure out that when a user hits the search(submit) button multiple times(say twice) how much my first request had progressed before getting terminated. Can i find this in any way , so that i can close my JDBC objetcs before the next request starts executing.

Thanks in advance,



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