I believe that this error occurs because you cannot use a tag inside a tag.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gogineni, Pratima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: RE: localization hor html tags

> This problem seems similar to yesterdays "html:message" tag.
> check if applciation.properties exists and is specified in web.xml.
> Also check if a message with the key you are using exists.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hartmut Bernecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 6:44 AM
> Subject: Re: localization hor html tags
> Hi,
> is in version 1.0 another way to localize HTML-Elements???
> What I try, is:
> --------------
> <html:submit value="<bean:message key="xy.test.btn.submit"/>"/>
> But this don't work:
> -------------------
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException:
> T:\webapps\webclient\login.jsp(38,96) Attribute xy.test.btn.submit has
> no value
> Thank u for your time!
> Hartmut Bernecker
> Mike Fitterman schrieb:
> >
> > This is may be left over from the struts version 0.5 days when their was
> > one tag library rather than multiple.  They probably didn't clean it up.
> >
> > Mike.
> >
> > At 11:01 AM 4/26/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> > >I could use localized name in a button tag using construct like :
> > >
> > ><input type=button   value="<bean:message key="xxxx"/>" />
> > >
> > >Are there any lighter way to specify i18n key for html tags.
> > >
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >--------------
> > >Eugene Krivopaltsev                     Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED]             901 San Antonio Road
> > >Voice: 650.786.6260 (x86260)            Palo Alto, CA. 94303
> > >Fax:   650.786.7816                     www.sun.com
> >
> > Mike Fitterman                1 Network Drive UBUR02-207
> > Solaris Software Group     Burlington, MA 01803-0902
> > Sun Microsystems, Inc     781-442-0843
> --
> _________________________________________
> Hartmut Bernecker
> Dipl.-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (BA)
> Electronic Publishing
> Druckhaus Waiblingen
> Siemenstrasse 10
> D-71332 Waiblingen, Germany
> Tel.:   +49 (0)71 51 / 5 66 - 4 48
> Fax:    +49 (0)71 51 / 5 66 - 3 23
> Mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web:    http://www.dhw.de/

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