This is one of the banes that I have been working with on WebLogic 5.1 sp8.

I don't know if sp9 fixes it but what it means is one of the custom tags
within your
html:form tags is misconfigured, misspelled, missing a end tag or throwing
an exception.
To debug these I had to view the source of the Internal Server Error page.
If I was
lucky I could see some output to determine where in the JSP page I got the
error.  If you can't see any output when you view source I would
add custom tags between the <html:form> tags until you get the error.

Good Luck,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Mann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 10:07 AM
> Subject: basic forms/config question
> I have been trying to create a hello world with struts based on the login
> example.  I have to the best of my knowledge done everything correctly as
> stated in examples and documentation.  All I have is a simple page with a
> form and 2 text fields in the form yet I still get the following error.
>  "runtime error in custom tag 'form' "
>  I have read through all the documentation and can't figure out what I am
> doing wrong.  Have you seen this?  What is a good way to debug?
> Jeremy

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