At 21:24 06.05.01 -0500, you wrote:
>The log file says that org.xml.sax.HandlerBase was not found, but when I 
>look into crimson.jar in tomcat/server/lib it is indeed in there.  This 
>reminds me of the problems folks were having with putting struts.jar in 
>more than one place.  Does it matter that crimson.jar is in 
>tomcat/jasper as well as tomcat/server/lib?
I moved crimson.jar and jaxp.jar from TOMCAT_HOME/jasper/ to TOMCAT_HOME/lib/
(see also end of RELEASE-NOTES-4.0-B3.txt) and everything works fine for me 
except the session serialisation (see my posting from 2001-05-05). But I 
doubt that this has anything to with it.


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