I've been trying for awhile to get my own version of the 'logon' example
to work. I've done everything essentially the exact same as the struts
example, except using 'login' where I saw 'logon'.
Upon starting up Tomcat, there is a bunch of output generated. After
reading this output, it seems that my action classes and action mappings
are not getting set up in the servlet context, since I do not see any
output - though I do see all the struts example servlet contexts getting
setup. For example: 'ActionServlet.addMapping(...)'.
I think the problem might be related to resolving the DTD entity in my
struts-config.xml file. Here is a snippet for the output I receive
after staring Tomcat. Has anyone seen this problem at all. I would
appreciate any help.
Brett Procek
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
resolveEntity('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration
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