hi ,
i got the error fixed ,i was mixing the struts.jar file with a deprecated tag
lib file struts-form.tld,
this scares me as if i have my stuff running with one build of struts I CAN'T
possibly run it with another ,
any suggestions on the same would be appreciated,
thanx in advance


David Winterfeldt wrote:

> What servlet engine are you using?
> Did the example or blank war run before you started
> editing it?
> Do you have the struts.jar in you main classpath
> anywhere?  I can't be in the main classpath.  It must
> only be in the /WEB-INF/lib directory.
> David
> --- Vinod Shintre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > okie just gettign started with STRUTS:
> >
> > & follows the list of erros ;-)
> >
> > okie im getting this error
> > ----------------------------------------------
> > /webapps/struts-blank/logon/login.jsp(3,0) Unable to
> > load class
> > org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag
> >         at
> >
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagBeginGenerator.init(TagBeginGenerator.java:129)
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------
> > im using the strust latest BETA build
> > & all the directives to the struts-tag libs are set
> > correctly
> >
> > any help would be greately appreciated
> >
> > vin
> >
> >
> >
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