On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Daniel Toms wrote:

> thanks.  I'm trying to figure out how to setup correctly for
> localizition, especially where you have cases like
> Product Name
> versus (excuse my spanish)
> Nombre de Producto
> thanks again,
> dan

You will want to check out the Javadocs for the java.text.MessageFormat
class for all the tricks you can play with parametric replacements.

Just as one simple example, assume you have a "user" bean in your session
that has a getFirstName() method.  You could say:

        <jsp:useBean id="user" scope="session"
        <bean:write key="hello.message"
         arg0="<%= user.getFirstName() %>"/>

In English, I might define the message in my properties file as:

        hello.message=Hello {0}!

but in French, it would be:

        hello.message=Bonjour {0}!

and I would get "Hello Craig!" or "Bonjour Craig!" depending on which
language I was using.

Craig McClanahan

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