
maybe it's of interest to someone.

Because I fixed some bugs, jo! now seems to work quite nicely
with struts.

To install, create the dir %JO_HOME%/webapp/host/ (if it does not
already exist) and drop the wars from the struts webapps
directory in there. Then start jo!

That should be it.

For those of you, who have never heard of jo! before: jo!  is an
open source and free webserver implementing servlet api 2.2 and
jsp 1.1. You can get it at http://www.tagtraum.com/

If there are any problems with struts, please let me know
directly => [EMAIL PROTECTED]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  tagtraum industries      http://www.tagtraum.com/
  jo!                 small&smart 2.2 servletengine
  Java Server & Servlets   The web-application book
  The WebApp Framework        http://www.webapp.de/

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