I have downloaded the Struts framework for evaluation.  I have it installed
on a Sybase Enterprise Application Server (EAS) aka Jaguar.
Most of the installation issues seemed to be similar to JRUN's...  I had to
manually copy the xml files from the WAR files... and I had to edit
the same tag properties because the version of EAS I am running as the same
problem casting datatypes on custom tags.

So, it *looks* like it's installed and up and running.  I have the
struts-upload working.  BUT, I'm running into this problem with the
application:  I get the welcome page,  I go to the Registration page... I
enter my info and I get this message:

Validation Error

You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:

     Cannot submit this form out of order

Based on the brief amount of digging I've been able to do, I believe this
is related to Session tracking?  Has anyone encountered this problem and,
if so, how do I resolve it?


-- Andy

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