I don't understand why you think Resin is brain dead. Providing a temp
directory is required by the Servlet spec, and Resin does exactly that. From
the spec:

"All servlet containers must provide a private temporary directory per
servlet context and
make it available via the context attribute of

What is it about what Resin is doing that makes it brain dead?

Regarding the original question, we use file upload with Resin, and although
we have had a couple of problems in the past, this isn't one of them.
However, we're using Resin 1.2.5, not 1.2.3, so you might try upgrading to
that and see if that makes a difference.

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message -----
From: "Soeren Pietsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: Re[2]: struts-upload.war

> ex2)> Is there any
> ex2)> way to check the value of the "javax.servlet.context.tempdir"
> ex2)> set in the ServletContext by Resin?
> Resin is just brain dead!!!!! The set a default tmp_dir value for
> every application which doesn't specify it's own (WEB-INF/tmp) obvious
> that your check must fail at this point.
> The  only way to avoid it would be to check whether the tmp_dir really
> exists or not. If not we would default to the system tmp_dir
> Soeren
> ======================================================================
> As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
> certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
>                 -- Albert Einstein

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