A couple other ideas:

 - Store the callback URL on the request object
 - Store it in a bean that can be accessed by the
contacts page

I've used the second approach succcessfully on
Registration page where the user could register from
the site from a number of different areas... 

--- Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You need to embed the source information in
> contact.jsp. Depending on how
> your Action classes are set up, you could do one of
> two things:
> 1) Use a hidden field on contact.jsp which
> identifies the source. Then when
> the form is submitted, your Action class can use
> that to select an
> appropriate forward. Using the name of the forward
> as the value of the
> hidden field would make this very simple.
> 2) Dynamically set the action attribute on the
> <html:form> tag when
> contact.jsp is processed, setting up the appropriate
> target for the page.
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Martin Cooper
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shunhui Zhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 4:21 PM
> Subject: Referer pages and structs
> Hi, I'm wondering whether Structs can be used to
> solve the following
> problem elegantly.
> I have a page, say contact.jsp that has two standard
> actions associated
> to it: EditContactAction, SaveContactAction.
> This page can be linked from many other pages. What
> I'd like is to go
> back to the page that called contact.jsp.
> For example, if page1 has a link to contact.jsp,
> after the user clicked
> the link, then press the save button on the
> contact.jsp, I'd like the next page to be page1.
> Similarly for all other
> pages linking to contact.jsp. Is there a way to code
> contact.jsp to automatically have this behavior?
> Thanks.
> Shunhui

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