Thanks for your reply...

I guessed that was the problem. I don't see the new instance being created
in my log file. I also have a fully working struts demo, which does not
display this behavior. What's up with that?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Zaidel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: bean attributes not displaying - please help

> I also have this problem, but alas, no solution (as yet).  I've even
> tried
> in struts-config.xml to set the scope of the actions to "session", and
> have explicitly
> added the form to the session within the Action's perform().  I, too,
> can see the form properly populated.  However, when the form's jsp is
> called, a new Form instance is instantiated----thus, the displayed form
> is blank.
> Any ideas?
> > Thomas Peters wrote:
> >
> > I have a jsp page called 'customer.jsp' with a class call
> > 'CustomerForm' which extendes ActionForm.
> >
> > I have cut and paste my mappings and listed them below.
> >
> > The application flow is such, that I have a link with a URI of
> > / This action calls
> > 'CustomerSearchAction' which initializes a 'CustomerForm' with null
> > values for all the attributes except action, that's defaulted to
> > 'Search'. That works fine.
> >
> > When the end user completes and submits the 'CustomerForm' form, I
> > construct a query that returns a list of customers matching the
> > submitted criteria. 'Customers' is a class which contains a Hashtable
> > of 'Customer' objects. This is accomplished with 'CustomerListAction'
> > and forwards to 'customers.jsp' which presents the results in a list.
> > I have a 'LinkCustomerTag' class which builds links within the
> > iteration of 'customers' on the 'customers.jsp' page. The link looks
> > like this: '/' where
> > 'custNum=10' dynamically changes throughout the iteration based on the
> > current 'customer'. This works fine too.
> >
> > I select one of the links in the list which maps to '/editCustomer'
> > (see below) and calls the 'CustomerEditAction' class where I copy the
> > properties to the instance of 'CustomerForm' and 'forward' to the
> > 'customer.jsp'. This is where my problem is.
> >
> >  ****** The form is blank. ******
> >
> > I have lotts of comments in my code and can see that
> > 'PropertyUtils.copyProrerties(customerForm, customer)' is getting
> > called. I even modified the 'PropertyUtils' class to log the
> > properties being copied within the 'Enumeration' in the
> > 'copyProperties' method. You can see these values being copied into
> > the 'ActionForm' but when the 'forward' is called and the
> > 'customer.jsp' is displayed, it is empty.
> >
> > Please help...
> >
> >
> > ########################
> > struts-config.xml
> > ########################
> >
> >
> >   <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions
> > =================================== -->
> >
> >     <!-- Customer form bean -->
> >     <form-bean      name="customerForm"
> >                     type="CustomerForm"/>
> >
> >     <!-- Customer list bean -->
> >     <form-bean      name="customerList"
> >                     type="CustomerForm"/>
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > .
> >
> >   <!-- ========== Action Mapping Definitions
> > ============================== -->
> >     <!-- Search customer -->
> >     <action    path="/searchCustomer"
> >                type="CustomerSearchAction"
> >                name="customerForm"
> >               scope="request"
> >               input="/customer.jsp">
> >       <forward name="success"         path="/customer.jsp"/>
> >     </action>
> >
> >     <!-- List customers -->
> >     <action    path="/listCustomers"
> >                type="CustomerListAction"
> >                name="customerList"
> >               scope="request">
> >       <forward name="success"         path="/customers.jsp"/>
> >
> >     </action>
> >
> >     <!-- Edit customer -->
> >     <action    path="/editCustomer"
> >                type="CustomerEditAction"
> >                name="customerForm"
> >               scope="request"
> >            validate="false">
> >       <forward name="failure"              path="/customers.jsp"/>
> >       <forward name="success"              path="/customer.jsp"/>
> >     </action>
> --
> Martin Zaidel,
> Senior Software Engineer
> Cortex eBusiness P/L, Melbourne

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