Hi all, 

I've just started to use Struts and I have some questions:

1. How can I use the I18N features in the template tags?

In my template.jsp I've got the following tag:

<title><template:get name='title'/></title>

In the page using this teplate the following:

<template:put name='title' content='Kalkulation' direct='true'/>

I'd like to replace the German text 'Kalkulation' with its
key e.g. 'app.title.calculation' Is there a nice way to do this?

2. How can I use use the I18N features in Struts directly
in Java Scriplets? 

Sometimes I need the translated texts in scriplets. What is 
the best way to access them?

Now I am using this aproach:


  MessageResources resources =
    (MessageResources) pageContext.getAttribute(
        Action.MESSAGES_KEY, PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);

  Locale locale = 
    (Locale) pageContext.getAttribute(
       Action.LOCALE_KEY, PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);

  if (null == locale) {
    locale = request.getLocale();

  String myText = resources.getMessage(locale, "app.the.text,key");


Thanks for an answer


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