When I have a validation send back errors, and I have previously set Request
attributes in my subclassed Action, when the control gets sent back to my
input page, my Form is still in the request, but it looks like my other
attributes that are set (namely lookup type lists) are not in this list.  

I'm setting up lookup lists in the Action and setting the attribute via
"request.setAttribute(....)" and this all works wonderfully up until the
point mentioned above. I get an ServletException that says the following
"javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean under name segmentNames".
segmentNames is the request attribute.

Any help in design or whatever would be appreciated.  I noticed how one user
put the lists in the servlet's context, but I see some obvious scalability
problems there.  Also, all of the samples are building these lists via jsp
scriptlets, which I thought was what you wanted to avoid by using struts.


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