On Thu, 24 May 2001, John Schroeder wrote:

> Yuri,
> I have run into something similar with Excel files, but I'm not sure if it
> will address your current issue.
> My problem: when users run a report, return to them an Excel worksheet
> instead of HTML.
> Our particular approach used JSP's to easily handle the formatting of the
> Excel doc, but you by no means would need to do so.  You just need to set
> the proper Content-type and Content-disposition headers.
> <%@page contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel"%>
> <% response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline;
> filename\"myreport.xls\""); %>
> Now when a user chooses to save the file, the default name is myreport.xls,
> and the content returned is of the proper MIME-type.
> Hope this helps!
> --John

Like John, I've used the Content-disposition header for some cases like
this -- as long as the browser pays attention, it works like a charm.

For browsers that don't work correctly with it, though, there's still a
strategy for getting the effect Yuriy was after (the prompted filename is
the right thing).  It goes like this:

* Map the Struts controller servlet to a path
  pattern ("/execute/*") instead of an extension ("*.do").

* This means that a typical action request might
  be something like "/execute/showAttachment" instead
  of "/showAttachment.do".

* Now, path mappings let you do something that
  extension mappings don't -- you can add "extra path"
  information after the part that selects the action,
  so you can say something like:
  and your "/showAttachment" action will still get

* When the user goes to save this request, the default
  filename will be "1.txt".

Craig McClanahan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yuriy Zubarev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 12:33 PM
> Subject: tricky mapping
> Hello everyone,
> I'm not quite sure that my question is truly struts-related,
> but since I'm developing a web-application using struts as a framework,
> I decided to post it here.
> A little proem. I'm in the middle of developing a web-mail facility
> and I've come to the point where I have to display mails' attachments.
> In general everything is fine except one minor but annoying thing.
> When a user double-clicks on a attachment link and selects
> "Save target as...", a browser presents "Save as" dialog and offers
> a default name for requested object which looks like "EmailPart",
> because the syntax of the link is as following:
> "http://domain-name/EmailPart.do?part=1";
> I know the name of the requested attachment file in advance but I don't
> know how to fit it into the URL so that a browser can offer that
> name instead of "EmailPart".
> On yahoo web-mail a link that points to attachment looks like this:
> "http://yahoo_address/ym/ShowLetter/Account%5fmonitor%5fwork%5fflow.doc?box=
> Inbox&MsgId=1915_4666388_102413_741_67881_0&bodyPart=2&filename=Account%5fmo
> nitor%5fwork%5fflow.doc&download=1&YY=2060&order=down&sort=date&pos=0"
> Bearing in mind this syntax I tried to make my link looks like:
> "...domain-name/EmailPart/File_name.ext?part=1"
> And of course I failed, because the server (tomcat) treated
> "EmailPart" as a directory (I assume so) but not as action.
> So I would like to ask if anyone came across this problem
> and found a solution. Any suggestions would be highly
> appreciated.
> Thank you for your time.
> Best of luck,
> Yuriy Zubarev
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