You can either 

1. Route users to different pages based on their state, or

2. Deliver the current state to the presentation layer in the form of
JavaBeans that the Struts logic tags can test. <logic:present
name="logon"> ...

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

> Jonathan wrote:
> Just wondering how you all were implementing visual changes based on
> state.  Ex. when a menu button says "logon" before the person loggs
> on, and then says "logoff" after the person has logged on.  How are
> you doing this switching based on state?  In the action?  in the
> template? Or are you all using........SCRIPTLETS!!!! (Ayyyyyiiii!!!)

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