Title: Form input using image tag
I have
<html:image src="images/btn_login.gif"/>
and it creates this:
<input type="image" name="" src="images/btn_login.gif;jsessionid=lqwrkmnwb1">
I don't know if it should make a difference but try removing the space before /> and see if it works
-----Original Message-----
From: Luna, Kat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 1:47 PM
Subject: Form input using image tag


I'm trying to use the html:image tag to submit a form, but the graphic is not rendering correctly. 
html:img works fine for display, but this is the resulting source code of <html:image src="images/submit.gif" /> tag:

    <td><input type="image" name=" src="images/submit.gif"></td>
    <td><input type="image" name=" src="images/reset.gif"></td>

Does anyone know why there is a blank property for "name" showing up and how to get rid of this?


Kat Luna

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