Hi all,

I always have a problem with the iterate and write tag.

If I don't specify a "bean:write" tag into an "logic:iterate" tag, I don't
have any error... But If a specify a write tag I have an exception error :

The error :
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean client in scope null
 at _0002fClientList_0002ejspClientList_jsp_66._jspService

My JSP :
<logic:iterate id="client" name="test" property="clients">
<TD><bean:write name="client" property="pmclient"/></TD>
test is an object wich has a property clients (array of client ) and a
method getClients().      pmclient is a property of client ( the method
getPmclient() exist).

Is someone has a working example... I would be really happy !!!


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