I decided to NOT use the Struts.jar, but instead use the Struts source files, and then add my own directories below the classes directory for that particular web app.  That way I could tweak Struts and have a better way of replacing updates to the classes.  My setup is like this:
1) Struts framework - /struts/org/apache/struts etc... with my classpath pointing to /struts
2) My framework - /vnu/com/vnu/.... etc... with my classpath pointing to /vnu
3) My classes for the particular web app -
with the classpath pointing to WEB-INF/classes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 5:31 AM
Subject: newbie to struts - confirm hierachy( packages - webapps)!!

Hi, i have constructed a web app within my file system as follows:- C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\struts-bbnpa\WEB-INF\classes\logon\LogonForm.java
 The struts-bbnpa is were im placing all my work. thus the examples custom and logon packages are beneath my classes directory. Thus is this the correct procedure as im about to venture into JDBC Project (Postgresql) and im not sure weather the packages are one level above \WEB-INF dir.

Any suggestions and confirmation extremely welcomed. Cheers inadvance.

Chuck (Graduate Systems Programmer)
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