Hello RoleModel,

Thursday, June 07, 2001, 1:44:37 AM, you wrote:

RS> We're just starting to learn about Struts. We have downloaded the code (and 
binaries) (v.b3) for struts-example. The binaries run fine, and we get the expected 
output. When we try to set up the
RS> source version, though, we get the following error: 

RS>   javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
RS>         java.lang.Throwable(java.lang.String)
RS>         java.lang.Exception(java.lang.String)
RS>         javax.servlet.jsp.JspException(java.lang.String)
RS>         int org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.MessageTag.doStartTag()
RS>         void 

RS> Can anybody give us a clue about what's going on? As far as we can tell, we've got 
everything configured properly, but we're guessing we made a mistake somewhere.

I think you place struts.jar to the CLASSPATH. struts.jar must be placed
to the WEB-INF/lib directory of your application, remove any
references to it from CLASSPATH.

If struts.jar in WEB-INF/lib , CLASSPATH is free of links to the
struts.jar and you are already has this exception then explane please
your problem.
Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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