Hi "Jon.Ridgway" going back to my set-up - tomcat3.2.1/webapps/struts-bbnpa/

Thus my jsp, taglibs  and struts-framework etc should be under webapps and not struts-bbnpa.
Please not that i had to deploy  6* struts-war files in C:\jarkarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\and then re-start tomcat thus i renamed the struts-blank to struts-bbnpa ( bbnpa- abbreviation of my company).So basically everthing in my struts-bbnpa should be in technicaly webapps including all the taglib's and exspecially the struts details.

If so uh oh. please confirm and direct as a don't fancy later into the projects having config problems .

Cheers chuck.
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