I haven't done anything with templates, so this may not be correct.
However, if you are referencing a style sheet in your header (on a
regular page), the link:
is a reference from the context, not the WEB-INF directory.
Therefore, you would want to change your link to:

However, Im not sure if the template stuff changes this.


Chuck Amadi wrote:

> I have created a index.jsp that has the content of our company
> web-site, thus the index.jsp  is located
> C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\struts-bbnpa\index.jsp
> Thus i have set up the tag libraries in the web.xml file and
> referenced the taglib at the top of my index.jsp page as
> below.Nevertheless i recieve a Not Found Error.My struts-template is
> located
> C:\jaka
> ta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\struts-bbnpa\WEB-INF\struts-template\css\bbnpa.css
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld"  prefix="template" %>
> Not Found (404)
> Original request: /struts-bbnpa/css/bbnpa.css
> Not found request: /struts-bbnpa/css/bbnpa.css
> Any suggestions please .
> --
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