Hello Valery,

Saturday, June 09, 2001, 11:42:43 AM, you wrote:

VK>      Hello 

VK> My boss wants to have each  web page with link of language choose.

VK> Now each page have 2 link : french and english.I define link as 
VK> <a href="<%= request.getContextPath() %>?locale=en_CA" ><bean:message 
VK> and
VK> <a href="<%= request.getContextPath() %>?locale=fr_CA" ><bean:message 

1. create action to perform language switch - LanguageAction
2. create global forward mapping in struts-config for this action -

   <forward   name="language.en" path="/langauge.do?locale=en_CA"/>
   <forward   name="language.fr" path="/langauge.do?locale=fr_CA"/>

   and action mappings itself
    <action    path="/language"

3. create form to catch locale strings from request LanguageForm
   and register it in struts-config -

    <form-bean      name="languageForm"

4. place to the jsp such links as -

 <html:link forward="language.en"><bean:message key="language.english"/></html:link>
 <html:link forward="language.fr"><bean:message key="language.french"/></html:link>

VK> But I have problem with populate form .
VK> For example :
VK>    For modify category page I create Action EditCategoryAction.
VK> This action populate localizable list "parent_category"  from Oracle.And forward 
to category.jsp .
VK> All ok.
VK> When I click on french or english link message replace new localized messages .But 
list still old,becouse 
VK> editCategoryAction not call again.

VK>   Problem:
VK> I want populate localized list  from action .But when I click on change language 
VK> Action not called again.
VK> (Of course I can populate localizable list in jsp page .But in this case many 
logic exist on jsp page)

VK>   If anyone have this problem or know other solution help me.

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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