On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Ritter, Steve wrote:

> Hello, I've got struts-b3 installed here and we were stepping through
> the struts-example.  A problem arises when I click on the "submit"
> button in logon.jsp -- I get a ClassNotFound exception:
> [06/06/2001 16:12:39:511|17000] (ERROR) request_handler: Servlet Error: 
>ClassNotFoundException: logon
> I used the correct username password ("user", "pass") so I would have
> expected to get forwarded to mainMenu.jsp via the "success" foward
> mapping.  Any ideas what might be wrong?
> --Steve

Hmm, have you modified the example application at all?  There are not any
references to a class named "logon" in the code.  What servlet container
are you trying this on?


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