Hi Satish,

It is possible to use struts with Dreamweaver UltraDev. I think details have
been posted on this list in the past. See


You might also want to look at the struts template tags. See the
struts-template example provided with Struts. This simplifies layout changes


-----Original Message-----
From: Satish Khanzode [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 11 June 2001 13:11
Subject: Changing UI

Hi all
I have created a project with Struts and now I want to change the User
Interface of the jsp files in it. I want to change the positions of the
components like label, textfields, combo boxes and their foreground and
background colors.
If I had not used struts, then I would have changed the UI in Dreamweaver
which is very fast and quick.
But now the jsp content is in html custom library tags of Struts. How can I
change the UI in a fast and efficient way without going to the code of each
and every jsp.
Any ideas ???

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