I ran into an interesting problem:

I need the ability to rewrite the url, with the encoded session information,
dynamically, after the page has already been loaded by the browser client.

I am opening a new browser window for doing searches, some of the fields on
my first page need to be passed along to this secondary page.

If I didn't need to pass parameters from my form onto the new window I could
just use the rewrite tag.

Like this:

window.open ('<html:rewrite
  'provider', 'scrollbars=yes,width=640,height=480,status=yes');

However, my url needs to look something like this:

//Grab a parameter off my form...
var lUrl = "/findRequestedFacility.do?FacilityId='" +
                form.facilityId.value + "'";

//Rewrite the URL...Need Javascript function to do this.
lUrl = rewriteUrl(lUrl);

//Open the thing.
window.open (lUrl, 'provider',

Has anybody written a javascript function to do this?


Tyler Van Gorder

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