I'd like to be able to diagram the work flow of my web application,
which uses Struts.  At the most naive level, I imagine it to be a graph
of nodes (Actions, JSPs) and arcs (URIs and/or ActionMappings).  Has
anyone specified a graph language to include the following bits of

        * Actions
        * ActionForms
        * Request data (including attributes)

At a glance, I'd like to be able to answer questions, such as the

        Q1. Where and how was a specific ActionForm instantiated and
        Q2. What requests does a specific page (html or JSP) include? (Or put
another way: "where can I go from this page?").
        Q3. In presenting a given page, where did the data come from?
(ActionForm? Bean? Was it on the session or the request? Under what
name? etc)

I've toyed with 


but found it limited to the data in the struts-config.xml.  I'd like to
include the JSPs as well as the data flow.  Any ideas?

Martin Zaidel,
Senior Software Engineer
Cortex eBusiness P/L, Melbourne

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