Hi All,

We are using Struts Version 1. We are having a problem with the forward tag
of the action defined in struts-config.xml.
No matter what is defined in the forward it is going to the page defined in

I am attaching a part of the struts-config for clarity:

    <action    path="/registerFormAction"
      <forward name="success"           path="/PostRegistration.html"/>

Once the action is performed action.findForward returns "success" (This we
checked!!!). But still the page in the above case goes to Register.jsp
instead of PostRegistration.html.

If we remove the input tag it gives a 500 page not found error.

We have successfully deployed a project on struts with an earlier version
and never faced such a problem.

Can someone please throw some light on it????

Sridhar S
You must be the change you wish to see in the world
 --- Mahatma Gandhi.

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