Title: RE: Putting it all together, help???
Another point about your example above is that you are essentially going
to need some kind of object to hold your result data. Either you have all
fixed fields or some variable ones. So this is all a form requires you
to have. The struts taglibs make accessing this data in a relatively
uncluttered way very easy. They also obviate the need for you to write
your own taglib to encapsulate all the necessary java, or to have
unmaintainable scriptlets all over your jsps.
Yes, I've already got a fairly extensive EJB backend, my only question was that I won't be populating a form and since Struts is not a servlet engine, how does the HTML get generated for my example.
In my actions perform method, I query some session EJBs for some data and would like to display it in a table.  Supposing I can get an iterator or collection of some sort, how could I forward that to a jsp page so It could use the Struts tag lib tags for iteration and display?

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