I've used form-based auth with the JBoss server and mySql.
After passing authorization, the users url aims at a struts application.
I don't use struts, scriptlets, javascript or anything else on my login page
due to fear that a 'failure' of some kind would manage to confuse things and
possibly bypass security. I haven't had time to learn what I can get away
on the login page thus have played it safe.

The JBoss server/Tomcat 3.2 combination is working well as my personal
development tool and doesn't have any problems with struts that I know of.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 1:59 PM
Subject: RE: Form-based Authentication

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Abraham Kang wrote:

> RE: Form-based AuthenticationHi Jason,
>     I should have been clearer.
>     The only time that you do not want the login-form to specify
> "j_security_check" as its action is when you want to do some special
> preprocessing before the user is authenticated.  By forwarding to a
> (I haven't tried this with an Action but it should work) you can do your
> preprocessing in the servlet and then do a requestDispatcher.forward( ) to
> j_security_check.  This will allow you to do pre-processing and take
> advantage of the containers authentication realm.

WARNING:  Although it might be supported by some containers, you are *not*
guaranteed by the servlet spec that you can portably play that sort of a
game.  The spec clearly states that the form login page *must* have an
action of "j_security_check".  (I haven't tried it, but I'm pretty sure
your technique would not work on Tomcat.)

>     My guess is you are currently doing authentication against a database
> table.  If you are using WebLogic you can use the DBMSRealm.  This will
> probably mean you will need to add some tables to support the roles in
> WebLogic but now you don't need the authentication code in your actions.
> The container manages access to protected resources.  You don't have to
> any scriptlets at the top of your pages as long as the regular expression
> the <url-pattern> of the <security-constraint> element of your web.xml
> matches all of your protected resources.

Tomcat supports a similar mechanism -- you can configure lookup of users
in a flatfile, in a database, or in a directory server.  Each container
will provide it's own mechanisms for defining how and where users and
roles can be stored.

> --Abraham

Craig McClanahan

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