I am displaying a collection of beans in a form with <logic:iterate>.  Here is the loop
    <html:form action="updateservices.do" name="serviceForm"
        <logic:iterate id="service" name="services">
                <TD align="center">
                <html:text name="service" property="name"/>
                <TD align="center">
                <html:checkbox name="service" property="authenticated"/>
                <TD align = "center">
                <html:checkbox name="service" property="encrypted"/>
            <TD align="right">
                    <bean:message key="main.update"/>
Note I am not using any getter setter methods from the form itself.  What I would like to do is add a checkbox for each row for a delete and an update button.  The update would rip through the collection and update the appropriate rows and delete the row if the delete button was checked.  Seems pretty standard.  I am not sure how to go about doing this.  In my action, how do I get a hold of my original collection?  How do I get a hold of the values of the checkboxes?  How do I use the ActionForm in this case when I am not reading data from it?  Would I use the ActionForm to pass the checkbox and updated items to the action class?  How are getter/setter methods handled when I have a collection?
Michael R. Thompson

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