
Have a look at this snip provided by Ted Husted a couple of days ago. Note
the use of the html:link tag.

'Here's a reference snippet from a working page. The bean result has
accessors for donor, sortName, email, and website, where donor is a unique
key. Here the key is also used as the link text, but any other value from
the bean could have been linked instead. This snippet generates links in the


where result.rows.getDonor() returns 1234

<logic:iterate name="result" property="rows" id="row">
    <td align="left">
      <html:link page="/donor/Select.do" paramName="row" paramId="key"
        <bean:write name="row" property="donor" filter="true"/>
    <td align="left">
        <bean:write name="row" property="sortName" filter="true"/>
    <td align="left" nowrap>
      <bean:write name="row" property="telephone" filter="true"/>
    <td align="left" nowrap>
       <font size="1"><a href="mailto:<bean:write name="row"
property="email"/>"><bean:write name="row" property="email"
    <td align="left">
       <font size="1"><a href="http://<bean:write name="row"
property="website"/>" target="_blank"><bean:write name="row"
property="website" filter="true"/></a></font>


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