Ok, here's one for the books.  Our app works fine in 
our own local network.  We then moved the same box 
into the company's DMZ to set up for a demo.  

Boom! It stopped working.  At first we thought it was a Struts
issue because the because this line in ActionServlet.initDigester

  URL url = this.getClass().getResource(registrations[i+1]);

is returning null.  This is where the Struts DTDs get registered
with the Digester.
Then I tried inserting a call to getResource()
to see if it could find one of our resource files 
(ApplicationResource.properties) and that failed as well.

I know getResource() uses the class loader, but does anyone
have any idea why moving a computer from behind a firewall into
a DMZ would affect how resources are found ? 

Thanks for any info to help figure this one out.


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