On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, TODD HARNEY wrote:

> Is there a way I can override the ActionServlet class to allow for
> multiple "struts-config.xml" files to be parsed for a single
> application? Our struts-config.xml file is getting rather large and it
> would be nice if we could split the struts-config.xml into multiple
> .xml files and have the ActionServlet, or a descendant, be able to
> parse all of the config files and store the action mappings.
> Thanks,
> Todd

I haven't actually tried this, but conceptually it should work -- could
someone please try it and confirm to the list?

The basic thought is that a single struts-config.xml file can actually
have more than one <struts-config> section in it.  Given, this you can
logically divide your overall configuration into "modules" or whatever,
and have each development group maintain their own stuff in their own
struts-config.xml file.  Then, when you deploy the app, part of the
process would be simply combining all the struts-config.xml files into a
single one (simple concatenation).

It's worth a shot ...


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