Hi struts-users,
we're trying to create a SELECT element with labels and values generated by a html:options tag.
The bean that contains the label and value properties for the html:options tag is initialized when
a user logs in, providing us with information about locale in order to set the labels right for the user locale.
We use getResources.getMessage(getLocale(request), aKey) from our action to get a localized message
for the label.
This works fine with the english language chars. Our label displays correctly.
We also like to use danish chars, which we want to put in our localized label as a numeric entities like æ in order
to stay out of trouble with browsers not displaying danish chars correctly.
Unfortunately the labels for danish locale are displayed incorrectly as the html:options tag replaces the &-char in the string from
the resource bundle with a &
A entity like æ is rendered to the html-page as æ - which is no good. We also tried with named entities like æ which yields equal result.
Does anyone have a hint how to solve this problem ?
Med venlig hilsen/Best Regards
Jannik Nørgaard Steen
Software Developer
Digital  Zone International

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