I´ve installed struts, under Tomcat 3.2.
None Webapplication will run which uses ApplicationResources.properties, when I start an index.jsp there comes always the error
javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing message for key index.title
but i don´t know why?!!? The File is in correct folder, I´ve tried to start several webapplications which was deployed as war-Files, no one works, always this Error, that makes me crazy!
I use Struts 1.0 b3, I hope somebody can help me!
Maik Mrazovic
T - S y s t e m s
debis Systemhaus MEB GmbH
Business Center Sales & eBusiness, R&D/VN
Erich-Herion Str. 13
70736 Fellbach
(Phone) +49 711 17-40549
(Mobile) +49 170 832-5616
Internet: http://www.t-systems.de

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