Hi there !

Thank all of you for all your inputs and hints.
I made it working.

What I had to do is to add another property to form bean 'id' and put Struts
form tag INSIDE iterator tag. Without the last change I always see id of the
first record.

<table border="1">
<logic:iterate id="element" type="com.wrox.pjsp2.struts.common.GeoEntity"
name="<%= Constants.GEO_ENTITY_LIST %>">
 <html:form action="/showGeoEntities.do">
     <html:submit property="action" value="Details"/>
    <html:hidden name="element" property="id"/>
    <bean:write name="element" property="id"/>
    <bean:write name="element" property="name"/>

    Thanks once more for your help

    Jerzy Kalat

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