
 This was a bug that existed in earlier versions of 5.1 but it was fixed at
around service pack 5. So it seems that your configuration are not
picking up the service pack properly.
  When I manage to fail to pick up a service pack its usually becuase
I misremember where the service pack jar files are :-)
 You can use the weblogic console to find out what service pack
that really is loaded on a server.

  Mikael Eriksson


"Hohlen, John" wrote:

> Has anyone ever seen the following Document Type Definition (DTD) error
> message upon starting the WebLogic 5.1 (SP 8) server using Struts 1.0 on NT?
> This occurs using both the Struts-Example and Struts-Documentation war
> files:
> "[ExternalEntity] : Could not resolve entity '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
> Web
> Application 2.2//EN'.  Check your dtd reference."
> The way I fixed this error was modifying the DocType data in the web.xml
> file.  Specifically, the line:
> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
> 2.2//EN" "http: //java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">
> If I change the "DTD Web Application 2.2" to "DTD Web Application 1.2", the
> error message no longer occurs.  Notice, I only changed the comment portion.
> Not the URL.  Any explanations to this?
> Thanks,

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