You can use "request" scope by storing the values in hidden fields using the
<html:hidden> tag - that way the values you are not showing get re-populated
back into your form when submitted.

Additionally to what John said about the "default" scope - I agree it is
"session" but Struts also supplies two ActionMapping sub-classes which can
be used to control the "default" scope - these are SessionActionMapping and
RequestActionMapping - all you have to do is add a "mapping" attribute to
the web.xml and you can have whichever default scope you prefer.




> -----Original Message-----
> From: DHarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 28 June 2001 21:22
> Subject: RE: beans and scope
> Thank you John!
> Funny thing is, I had changed that in previous attempts.  When that didn't
> work, I must have forgot to put it back.
> Speaking of request scope,  Is there a way to do this (wizard steps) using
> the request scope, or do I just have to make the action classes
> responsible
> for reseting the form to start from scratch?
> Thanks again
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:01 PM
> Subject: RE: beans and scope
> Try removing the scope="request" line below.  The formbean will default to
> session scope (I believe).  If you specify request scope, then
> the formbean
> will be accessible on the second page, but not the third...
> This worked for me after I banged my head against it as well!!
>     <!-- Create Project-->
>     <action    path="/projectcreate"
>                type="edu.erau.dcm.teammate.action.ProjectCreateAction"
>                name="ProjectForm"
>                scope="request"      <-- remove this.
>                validate="false"
>                input="/admin/project/project_create.jsp">
>       <forward name="next"
> path="/admin/project/project_add_leader.jsp"/>
>       <forward name="cancel"     path="/admin/project/project_admin.jsp"/>
>     </action>
> Hope this helps...
> --John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DHarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 12:57 PM
> Subject: beans and scope
> I'm trying to get a series of pages to populate a form ala a "wizard"
> interface.
> Each page enters a chunck of information which is then forwarded
> to the next
> page in the sequence.  The previous information is dispalyed along with an
> area to enter the next bit of info.
> The Problem is that after the information on the second page is
> entered, the
> third page doesn't receive the information from the fist page, only the
> second.  The informatoin never makes it into the second pages
> action class.
> I made the scope="session", but this still doesn't work.
> Please help, I've been banging my head against this for days.
> ------first page-------------------------------
> <html:form action="/projectcreate" scope="session">
>       <p>Enter Project Name: </b> <html:text name="ProjectForm"
> property="name" tabindex="1" /> </p>
>       <p>&nbsp;</p>
>       <p><b>Project Description:</b></p>
>       <blockquote> <html:textarea cols="50" name="ProjectForm"
> property="description" rows="5" tabindex="2" />
>       </blockquote>
>       <p align="right">
>               <html:cancel tabindex="4"/>
>               <html:submit tabindex="3">Next</html:submit>
>       </p>
> </html:form>
> ----------------------------------------------
> -----second page---------------------------------------
>  <html:form action="/projectaddleader" scope="session">
>       <b>Add Project Leader:</b>
>       <html:text name="ProjectForm" property="newLeader" />
>       <html:submit />
>       Project Name:
>       <bean:write name="ProjectForm" property = "name" />
>       Project Description:
>       <bean:write name="ProjectForm" property = "description"/>
>   </html:form>
> ----------------------------------
> --------from stuts-config.xml-------------------------------
>     <form-bean      name="ProjectForm"
>                     type="edu.erau.dcm.teammate.form.ProjectForm"/>
>       ....
>     <!-- Create Project-->
>     <action    path="/projectcreate"
>                type="edu.erau.dcm.teammate.action.ProjectCreateAction"
>                name="ProjectForm"
>                scope="request"
>                validate="false"
>                input="/admin/project/project_create.jsp">
>       <forward name="next"
> path="/admin/project/project_add_leader.jsp"/>
>       <forward name="cancel"     path="/admin/project/project_admin.jsp"/>
>     </action>
>       <!-- Add Leader to Project -->
>     <action   path="/projectaddleader"
>            type="edu.erau.dcm.teammate.action.ProjectCreateAction"
>            name="ProjectForm"
>            scope="request"
>            validate="false"
>            input="/admin/project/project_add_leader.jsp">
>     <forward name="next"    path="/admin/project/project_verify.jsp"/>
>     <forward name="finished"    path="/admin/project/project_admin.jsp"/>
>     <forward name="cancel"     path="/admin/project/project_admin.jsp"/>
>     </action>
> ------------------------------------------

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