I have a working Search Form that returns a vector of User Forms.
The page iterates through the vector displaying some info from the form, and provides each iteration with a submit(modify) button.
I would like to take the UserForm of that iteration, and forward it to the action class.  Currently I am using hidden fields, but do not like that as it puts the encrypted password into the html source.
The source for the iteration looks like this, where "SearchForm" is the entire form, and "result" is a vector of "UserForm"s:
  <logic:iterate  name="SearchForm" property="result" id="user" length="2">
  <html:form action="/usermodify" name="user" type="edu.erau.dcm.teammate.form.UserForm">
       <td><bean:write name="user" property="username"/>&nbsp;</td>
       <td><bean:write name="user" property="lastname"/>&nbsp;</td>
       <td><bean:write name="user" property="firstname"/>&nbsp;</td>
                       <html:hidden name="user" property="username"/>
                       <html:hidden name="user" property="firstname"/>
                        <html:hidden name="user" property="confirmpassword"/>
                        <html:hidden name="user" property="grant"/>      
                        <html:hidden name="user" property="mod" value="true"/>
       <td><html:submit >Modify</html:submit></td>
As I mentioned, this above code works, thanks to the hidden fields, but I would rather just forward the "user" form to the action and not have to use the hidden fields.
Any input would be appreciated.

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