Hi, all i have been using struts MVC for a short period of time, thus in simple terms a newbie.
Any way i have managed to create a connection (datasource URI) to our PostgreSql db retrieve data  and display the result onto a  planningdb.jsp form.Thus the general public can analysis the several planning applications and make their comments regarding the one their interested in by clicking on a submit button within a nested table , that takes them to a html/javascript submit.jsp (comment) form that contains the application number (Primary Key) from the planningdb.jsp. Thus on submitting the submit.jsp form it gets processed by the processform.jsp which contains the  SQL insert statement . As follows
insert into comments (first_name,last_name,address.post_code,app_code,email,observation)
The applicant_id is a SERIAL pk for  comments table wereby on inserting their comments intialise's a unique(applicant_id) pk in my PostgeSql db thus i haven't declared it in the insert statement as i wont the db to creat it.on recieveing comments data.

Thus the name of my table/relation is comments .

When i insert values into the comments sql statement  ie
( first_name,last_name,address,post_code,app_code,email , observation ),on enquiring/checking  the PostgreSql DB the only values or records our null values no data from the submit.form. Note that i do not recieve any errors through this process.
I have used the data type SERIAL,ie  create table comments( applicant_id SERIAL,
Any suggestions what i have done wrong.
Cheers Chuck

Chuck Amadi wrote:

   Part 1.1    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
           Encoding: 8bit

The views expressed by the sender of this message don't
necessarily represent those of Brecon Beacons National Park
Authority. This message is intended for the addressee(s) only
and is sent in confidence; if you receive it in error, please can you
let us know (at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and then destroy all copies.
Nid yw'r farn a fynegir gan anfonwr y neges hon o anghenraid yn
adlewyrchu barn Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog.
Neges yw hon a fwriadwyd ar gyfer y derbynnydd/derbynyddion
yn unig ac fe'i hanfonir yn gyfrinachol; os ydych yn ei dderbyn
mewn camgymeriad, a fyddech gystal â rhoi gwybod i
ni (yn [EMAIL PROTECTED]) ac yna dilëwch bob copi.

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