To the best of knowledge, you can't use the <bean:write> tag that way. I believe it would be:
<html:link page="/" paramId="value" paramName="<%= myCollectionElement.getId() %>">click here</html:link>
Hope this helps...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 1:09 PM
Subject: html:link problem

is this correct
<html:link page="/" paramId="value" paramName="<bean:write name='myCollectionElement' property='id'/>">click here</html:link>
where myCollectionElement is a  collection
            id is a property in the collection
and i want  http://..../ (value of id)
i get null when i say
req.getParameter("value"); in my action class??
any help???

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