Okay...I'll rephrase that last one I sent. :)  You won't be able to deploy
the EAR the way you want without properly using the Application Deployment
Descriptor (application.xml).  Have you tried doing this? 

Here's a sample one I use for JBoss 2.0 w/ Tomcat 3.2b7, goes in META-INF of
the EAR's contents.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd";>

        <display-name>App Name</display-name>
                <ejb>EJBJar.jar</ejb>      <!-- Could be multiple -->


-----Original Message-----
From: Gregor Rayman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] RE: Struts & Jboss?

So I've tested some things:

1st I removed the struts.jar and my client.jar from app.jar/WEB-INF/lib and
placed them directly to ear. I've changed the manifest.mf to include those
two jars:

My apps name is usermanager

manifest.mf of usermanager.war:

Class-Path: ./usermanager-client.jar
Class-Path: ./struts.jar

these two files are in the root of usermanager.ear

struts.jar is nowhere else in any war, jar or lib or lib/ext or classpath.

Now the tomcat CAN find ActionServlet and *.do will be handled by
Action servlet CAN find all my Action and ActionForm classes.

Lo long so good. Unfortunately, tomcat's JSP compiler (jasper) cannot
compile my JSP files. Jasper has no access to my either struts.jar or to

The only solution for this, is to include the files struts.jar and
usermanager-client.jar both in the EARs root AND in war/WEB-APPS/lib.

I really don't like this workaround.

One possible solution would be, to precompile all JSPs and include
alredy compiled servlets in my EAR. This would be a much better
solution anyway.

My question actually changes to this:

Does anybody know, how to compile JSPs to class or java files
in ant? And how to include them to web.xml?


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