Hi everyone-
    I need some help on using the indexed properties for html:text option. I've implemented Dave Hay's modification and can get the input boxes to show up using the iterate tag.
<logic:iterate id="course" name="CourseList" property="courseList">
            <td><%= courseNumber++ %></td>
     <td><html:text name="course" property="crstitle" size="25" maxlength="50" indexed="true"/></td>
     <td><html:text name="course" property="crsdept" size="6" maxlength="9" indexed="true"/></td>
     <td><html:text name="course" property="crsnum" size="5" maxlength="6" indexed="true"/></td>
     <td><html:text name="course" property="crshrs" size="5" maxlength="1" indexed="true"/></td>
This is what my CourseList bean looks like:
public final class CourseList extends ActionForm
 private ArrayList courseList = new ArrayList(6);
 public ArrayList getCourseList() {
 public void setCourseList(ArrayList courseList) {
  this.courseList = courseList;
 public CourseForm getCourseForm(int index) {
  return (CourseForm)courseList.get(index);
 public void setCourseForm(int index, CourseForm course) {
  this.courseList.add(index, course);
The problem i have is that when i try to submit the information and try to access CourseList.getCourseList(), it bombs and says CourseList cannot be found. The scope is request. I tried putting it in the session and can access it that way but it doesn't have the changes that were made on the form. Anybody know what i'm doing wrong?

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