I'm afraid I'm pressed for time at the moment, but I'd like to share our approach.  I can't say with certainty that this was the best approach (we've discussed it on the list before in fact) but it is getting the job done for us.  (Criticisms welcome :)

We have multiple "objects" upon which we perform maintenance.  Each object has a "search" screen and a "detail" screen.  Our Action needs to do different things when a different button is pressed (basic CRUD functions, few advanced things, etc).  Each object, while different, shares a great deal of generic code in order to prepare data and pass it along to some EJB (session bean). 

Christopher Assenza
Phone:  412.201.6026
Fax:     412.201.6060
Moving Your Business from Point A to Point e.SM

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Beer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 4:55 PM
Subject: struts w/ej

i have followed some old threads about this but see no resolution to how to map the struts form bean to EJB value objects; they all seem to allude to a mysterious an non-existent struts 1.1.  is it recommended to do validation from within the form bean and then create a value object w/the data for the EJB or to do the validation in the value object?  Seems like duplicate work to create a form bean and a value object for an ejb, but if you dont , then the html form is dangerously coupled with the functioning of the EJB which I am trying to avoid in my application design.  Can people give some real world examples of this ?  And on a technical note, if you use the struts form bean to instantiate and populate a value object how is it passes to the action?  are people just putting it in the http session ?  sample code would be helpful.

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