The Struts framework implements the Front Controller pattern as its

Using that vocabulary, the ActionMappings are the Dispatcher. 

The advantage of Struts is that the Front Controller, Dispatcher, and
several other J2EE patterns have already been implemented for you, and
are ready to use!

Our friend Dan Malks, et al, have developed the architectural patterns
based on real-life implementations, including, I imagine, what we have
been doing with Struts. 

My copy of "Core J2EE Patterns" just came yesterday, and I'm looking
forward to reading it in-depth.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

> Liang Li wrote:
> Hi,
> I find the url
> the front controller design pattern. I think it has relationship with
> the Struts Framework, but I'm not sure what's the relationship.
> Can anyone tell me the relationship between them? And what's the
> advantage of struts?
> Thanks in advance.
> --Liang

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