Thanks for the comments. I have a few follow-ups interspersed with your
responses below...


Ryan Cornia wrote:
> Yes, it works great.
> A couple of things to check -
> 1.) In the JSP page that is your form, make sure you have -
> <html:form action="/myAction" onsubmit="return validateMyExampleForm(this);">
> the onsubmit piece is what causes the validation.

Isn't this required only for client-side validation via Javascript? For
example, Right now, I am simply stating that I want the required check
to be performed. In the valiation.xml file for this, there appears to be
both a java (server-side) mechanism and a javascript (client-side)
mechanism. I am not sure that we can count on javascript so I was
focused on the server-side.

> 2.) At the bottom of the JSP form, set the form name so the validator know what is 
>being validated -
> <validator:javascript formName="MyExampleForm"/>

See my note above.

> Other than that, you should be set.
> Ryan

Thanks Ryan.

> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/10/01 01:33PM >>>
> I have a small and simple web app that I have working with vanilla
> struts. I am trying to incorporate the struts validator mechanism by
> converting just one form. To do so, I have done the following:
>         Placed the Struts_Validator-20010702.jar into the web app's lib dir.
>         Place the jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar into the web app's lib dir.
>         Place the struts-validator.tld into the web app's WEB-INF dir
> (along with the struts tag lib files).
>         Copy the example validation.xml file into the web app's WEB-INF
> dir. Removed all but one form from the default (no locale) formset.
> Edited each field so that it depends on "require" only. Removed all the
> localized formsets.
>         Cut & paste from the validator servlet definition from the
> example web.xml into mine. Changed the taglib reference for the
> validator taglib (no tld durectory).
>         Changed the jsp to use the validator:errorsExist tag in place of
> the struts errors tag. Added the validator tag lib to the page.
>         Changed the form class so that it extends ValidatorForm rather
> than struts ActionForm. Commented out my previously coded validate()
> method in the form class.
>         In the form's action class, remove the check for errors in the
> perform() method.
>         Added validate="true" to the form's action in the struts-config.xml
> file.
> When I submit the page with empty fields, no errors are reported and the
> form's action just marches merrily along forwarding to the next jsp
> which fails because parameters are empty. I have looked and tried again
> and again with no luck. Before I give up, I thought I'd ask for help
> here. Any ideas as to what I am missing?
> Thanks In Advance,
> David
> Seattle

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