Hi, Dave:

I didn't get any error for the indexed tag, I get all the attribute[n].value
for the iterate html text names properly, but the problem is all these field
didn't set back to the attributes array in my form bean.


Frank Ling
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: Sorry, another question for Iterate Tag

> Frank,
> What error do you get?!
> Dave
> "Frank Ling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/10/2001
> PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
> Subject:  Sorry, another question for Iterate Tag
> Good Morning:
> I have a question for the iterate property update with indexed tag.
> Normally I use my own tag to show the real name of the iterate property
> update purpose, then just read them out from the HTTPRequest on my action
> class, that works well until recently I have to add a upload feature to
> of my page which have Iterate tags. Since there aren't any HTTPRequest
> in my action class to read due to the multipart issue. Then I try to using
> the ActionForm to handle the Iterate property for update.
> I go through couple thread on this mailing list regarding for the indexed
> tag on iterate tag for update purpose, and follow all the steps, still
> get this thing works, please help me out.
> Here are the step I did.
> 1) I get a object call InflowAttributes have three field, all have the
> getters and setters.
>     a. String name
>     b. String type
>     c. String value
> 2) I get form-bean call UserForm and have one of the field.
>     a. InFlowAttribute[] attributes.
>     have three method for the field.
>     a.
>     public InFlowAttribute[] getAttributes() {
>         return this.attributes;
>     }
>     b.
>     public void setAttributes(InFlowAttributes[] attributes) {
>         this.attributes = attributes;
>     }
>     c.
>     public InFlowAttribute getAttribute(int index) {
>         return this.attributes[index];
>     }
>     3) I get jsp for the editing a userform, have couple thing made for
> indexed Iterate & Text tag.
>     a) I get Dave Hay's indexed package install on top of the struts 1.0
> release, both java and tld.
>     b) I have struts-html.tld and struts-logic.tld define on top of my JSP
> page.
>     c) Here is my implementation for the iterate.
>     <logic:iterate id="attribute" name="userForm" property="attributes">
>         <tr>
>         <td><struts:htmpProperty name="attribute" property="name"/><.td>
>         <td><html:text name="attribute" property="value"
> indexed="true"/></td>
>         </tr>
>     </logic:iterate>
>     d) I have all the attribute[0..n].value set up properlly without any
> problem.
>     4) This JSP for editing userform will trigged a saveUser action. Here
> my problem, I can get all the other field from userform without problem
> except attributes field is null, no matter whatever I do.
> I know some thing I did wrong to cause the array attributes didn't get set
> back to my userform, but just couldn't figure out why, If some people out
> there can help me out, there will be really appreciated. Basically I try
> understand how the HTML form request get populate back to form bean.
> especially how the "attribute[0..n].value" can get set back to array
> "attributes" on my form.
> By the way, until to this point, I still didn't put
> enctype="multipart/form-data" on my form yet, so this will be pure Iterate
> tag update issue.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Regards
> FL

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