I'm not sure why you'll need to download netbeans, but instead of tomcat you
can get servlet.jar from

I don't think that you'll need optional.jar, as the <style> tag is not an
optional tag.  However, you will need xalan.jar (and maybe xerces.jar) if
they're not in <ant.home>/lib already.

If you want to figure the problem out quickly, you can just try javac from
the command line.  However, Ant is a good thing to know in the long run.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Amadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 11:59 AM
Subject: Java files won't compile- compilation errors/utlise Ant's

> Excuse me 4 mailing u direct. I have just seconded a linux box for home
> use as well as my home windox box is practically full). Thus as per your
> mail u mentioned i should try and compile it via the command line(ant
> prferrably) that would give you sufficient data to work with.
> Thus it may download netbeans and tomcat onto my linux box or can i just
> get on with it with the those packages already on my window box.Hence i
> assume that within windows i'll be utilising ms-dos prompt once i switch
> dir to my java_ home &  add ANT_HOME.to my autoexec.bat path.`
> 1) Can i crack on with netbeans on my window box((ant 1.3 ) or do i need
> to download the optional .jar files that contain the implemetation of
> ANT's <style> command i assume i do.
> as if the case i will need to install netbeans,tomcat & ant onto the
> linux box. uh oh. ( Just on converted from a Bill-gatesfile 2 open
> community) hence still learning the ssh commands.
> Thus i hope it is easily grasped .
> Cheers for your help- Chuckie
> Sorry 4 keeping on but i've lost a lot of ground due to my
> constuctivness and petulence .
> --
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